The Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the launch of the Renew America’s Nonprofits grant program, and IPL is planning to apply as a Prime recipient. This program aims to provide funding of up to $200,000 per project to support the reduction of energy use and emissions, as well as lower utility costs in nonprofit facilities. By redirecting the savings, nonprofit organizations can further their mission-critical work, enhance their organizational capacity, and better serve their communities.
It’s important to note that energy efficiency upgrades do not include solar and other renewable energy sources, and the buildings must be owned by a registered 501(c)3. There will also be a 20% required contribution on the requested funds. Contributions can be cash, other financial awards, donated materials, and even volunteer time.
The initial step in the application process involves Prime recipients submitting their applications to the DOE without specific sub-recipients (congregations) listed. To assist with this process, IPL has designed a survey to gather essential information, which will help estimate the amount of work and resources that congregations will request through the Renew America’s Nonprofits grant program. It’s important to understand that participating in this survey does not guarantee or diminish the chances of receiving a sub-recipient grant from IPL in the event of an award. The survey is solely intended to aid IPL in submitting the initial application to the DOE. Therefore, there is no cause for concern if your congregation is not fully prepared at this time.
If awarded, the DOE will release requirements for the next phase of the program. IPL will then contact eligible congregations that have submitted a survey regarding more detailed information and an opportunity to submit a longer proposal.
If your congregation would like to be considered as a potential applicant for the DOE’s energy efficiency funding, please click here to fill out our survey.
Surveys are due by July 28th, 2023, and please feel free to respond to with any questions.