Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light (TIPL) responds to climate change through upholding the sacredness of all life, protection of vulnerable communities, and caring for the Earth. We demonstrate our spiritual values by reducing our carbon emissions within our daily lives, releasing the spiritual power of our faith communities, and by advocating for effective climate protection policies.
Who We Are
Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light is the state affiliate of a network of faith communities working across the United States, offering a spiritual response to climate change. Our mutual efforts will protect our climate through upholding the sacredness of life, defending those most vulnerable to the many impacts of climate change, and advocating for effective climate protection policies.
What We Do
Climate change threatens humanity with severe environmental, social and moral consequences. We are called to practice what we know through our faith—to sustain life and to show compassion. What we do will make all the difference in the world.
Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light has held prayer climate vigils in Chattanooga, Knoxville, Johnson City, Jonesborough, Nashville, Maryville, and Crossville, and faith groups in other communities are planning their TIPL prayer climate vigils. We see this as an opportunity for people of faith to advocate for effective climate protection policies that will uphold the sacredness of life and protect the most vulnerable populations.