We have all seen a glimpse of cleaner air due to the constraints on human activity required by the COVID-19 pandemic. But a more lasting way to clear the air and protect our climate is to measure and reduce our carbon footprints. While you’re inside flattening the curve, what better time to gather up your data and measure your carbon footprint?
A webinar demonstrated the NEW Cool Congregations calculator for your congregational facilities — and for your home too.
Learn about the Cool Congregations calculators from the creators of the tools at Cool Climate Network, Dan Kammen and Chris Jones in this informative one-hour webinar.
Check out the calculators here.
Across the country, people of faith are making changes in their homes and places of worship to prevent global warming through our Cool Congregations program. IPL’s unique stewardship program helps congregations reduce the carbon footprint of their facilities and engages their members in reducing their carbon footprint at home. The program educates, inspires, and saves money too!
For this inaugural webinar, the calculators were presented by the creators from Cool Climate Network at the University of California, our partners on this project for the past two years. They are:
Daniel Kammen is a Distinguished Professor of Energy in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley and a former Science Envoy for the State Department. He holds a dual appointment at the University’s Energy and Resources Group and the Goldman School of Public Policy.
Chris Jones is Director of the CoolClimate Network at the University of California, Berkeley. His research expertise is in carbon footprint analysis and community-scale greenhouse gas mitigation. Jones lead the development of the first carbon footprint calculators to account for the greenhouse gas emissions of all transportation, energy, food, goods and services purchased by households and businesses.
The calculators measure the energy to heat and cool and power your buildings, transportation, food, and procurement or dollars spent on goods and services.
Let’s spend this time of hunkering down to solve both the crisis of a pandemic, and the crisis of climate change. Together we can create the world we want to live in.