Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light has many moving parts. Before some important ones slip away without being captured, here is a quick summary.
Dan Joranko reported on Nashville’s second Climate Vigil, held on October 13 at the Scarritt-Bennett Center. About 40 people attended the beautiful and moving vigil, standing up for their climate change concerns. TIPL / Nashville already plans for a much larger vigil in the spring.
Carol Landis of Johnson City brought the energy of the Green Interfaith Network, Inc. together with TIPL / East TN to teach people about church energy assessments. Earlier in the month, an energy audit was conducted at the Munsey UMC Church in Johnson City. The results of that audit were shared at a follow-up event at the church on October 19. Then Craig Foster (an energy management professional offered his considerable expertise as they walked around the building. He provided info about the most likely places where congregations can reduce their energy use. After this event, folks then had a climate vigil on the East TN State University campus.
In our last blog, we covered what we learned about how TVA can partner with churches to help them reduce their energy use and save energy dollars. Now is the time for churches to act on this opportunity, because TVA only has limited funds for this program, and it is first come, first served.
TIPL / Knoxville plans to have its next candlelight prayer vigil 4pm, Nov. 10 at the TN Valley Unitarian Universalist Church on Kingston Pike. Contact geneburr@comcast.net for more information.
Todd Waterman of Clinton, TN diligently keeps everyone in the Greater Knoxville region aware of the climate action opportunities available. Todd represented TIPL / Knoxville at a recent student service fair on the University of TN campus.
Needed: If anyone out there knows WordPress, please be in touch with lgorenflo@gmail.com who needs your help learning a few WordPress tricks for the TIPL website.
Finally, many thanks to the TIPL steering committee, which tele-conferences every month to further our state’s spiritual response to climate change. Steering committee members are Ginny Ayers (Maryville), Roberta Boone (Fountain City), Gene Burr (Knoxville), Louise Gorenflo (Crossville), Dan Joranko (Nashville), Carol Landis (Johnson City) , Eric McAnly (Knoxville), Toby Rogers (Knoxville), Todd Waterman (Clinton), and Rev. Ed Wolff (Jonesborough).
And last (and first) – join TIPL! Here is the link for you to do that!