Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light had its first Annual Meeting on September 7. Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) generously hosted our annual meeting. During our day-long annual meeting, we reaffirmed our vision for TIPL and charted its course for 2014.
The evening before, we had a special program with Rev. Alexis Chase, the Executive Director of Georgia Interfaith Power & Light, one of the largest and oldest IPL’s in the country. Rev. Chase talked about the work GIPL does within the Georgia faith community to promote sustainability.
This has been an important organizational year for TIPL as we developed our steering committee and obtained a seed grant from the national IPL. We held climate vigils in Johnson City, Jonesborough, Knoxville, Maryville, Crossville, and Nashville. Several of our members have outreached to other faith communities to inform them of the challenges of climate change and encourage them to become members of this interfaith effort to spiritually respond to climate change.
During our annual meeting, we shared our visions for TIPL and what TIPL could do in 2014 to take steps toward achieving that vision. Over the next few months, the TIPL Steering Committee will further develop our 2014 goals.
Also, TIPL elected its officers and steering committee members. For a complete list, follow this link.