October Climate Academy: John Lewis, the Beloved Community and Energy Justice
Sunday, October 11th | 3PM CST / 4 PM EST
For Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light’s October Climate Academy, we invite you to a reflection on the life, principles, and practices of John Lewis and how they inform a faith-based approach to nonviolence, community formation, and energy justice. Lewis’s formative years were in the Nashville sit-in movement. This tradition continues on in Nashville. We will continue this reflection by examining two more recent nonviolent campaigns: a four-month long sit-in on health care at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, and a vigorous campaign for energy justice in Chicago.
How much does the webinar cost? It is free to attend this webinar. You can register by clicking on the link below.
How will I join the webinar? This webinar will be hosted on Zoom. Once you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email that gives you the option of going to the “online event page.” Click this button when you’d like to connect to the Zoom call, and it will take you to our online event page. Once you’re there, click “Connect via Zoom!” and you will be connected to the call. You can also return to the event page linked below and click the “Access the event” button under “Location.”
Register Here! |
Sunday, October 11th | 4 PM EST
RSVP to Receive Zoom Link!
Join us for a two-in-one event on Sunday, October 11th: TIPL’s October Climate Academy + KIPL’s Annual Bountiful Bowl Fundraiser!
First, we invite you to a webinar-style presentation by Dr. Dan Joranko reflecting on the life, principles, and practices of John Lewis and how they inform a faith-based approach to nonviolence, community formation, and energy justice, starting at 4 PM EST / 3 PM CST. Afterwards, the Knoxville Chapter of Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light is combining Dr. Joranko’s presentation with its Bountiful Bowl fundraiser to support a spiritual response to the challenges of climate change. Last year KIPL commissioned beautiful Earth-inspired pottery bowls and filled them with homemade soups. This year Mars is the inspiration for our bowls, and continuing pandemic issues will require us to make soup ingredients available but will not allow us to cook for you! The soup has been enthusiastically taste-tested and will make enough soup for a family of 4 hearty eaters. If you choose to participate in the Bountiful Bowl, we will stay on the Zoom call after the presentation to virtually eat together and enjoy the company of community.
Order your soup and/or bowl below!
What does it look like to participate?
We imagine participation looking like this:
- You’ll RSVP for the event and order your soup and/or bowl combination (link to order below).
- We’ll coordinate with you and either arrange a pickup or deliver your items to you in the week leading up to the event.
- Before the webinar at 4 PM (or as you listen to the webinar), cook your soup so that it is ready to be eaten once the webinar is over.
- After the webinar is finished, you’ll stay on the Zoom call to participate in a virtual communal dinner!
How much does it cost to participate?
To participate in the Bountiful Bowl fundraiser, you may choose one of a few dinner options. One bowl and a jar of soup ingredients with directions is $35.00. If you would like to purchase the soup, but no bowl, it can be purchased separately for $15. The bowls, without soup, can be purchased for $20.
Is there a deadline to order soup and/or bowl?
In order to schedule delivery of your soup and/or bowl, please order by October 3, 2020. We have a limited number of bowls and may sell out so we encourage you to order as soon as possible!
How will I receive my soup and/or bowl?
If you live in Knoxville or Nashville, we will make arrangements for a local pickup or delivery. Other areas please email courtshea@aol.com and we will see if we can accommodate your request.