Fifteen from across the state joined TIPL’s latest tele-seminar on October 8 to learn how to start partnering with TVA in saving energy resources and money. Many thanks to Tom Irwin of TVA’s Energy Solutions program who pointed out ways that we can save energy in our buildings of worship and receive TVA financial incentives for doing so.
Tom started with an overview of the TVA’s Energy Solution program, covering how it works and benefits everyone. He then turned to ways that churches can go a long way down this energy saving path on their own through low cost measures and behavior management. We went over this publication together. We ran out of time, but Tom urged everyone to study this highly interactive web publication on their own.
TVA last year ran out of energy efficiency incentive funds, so that those wanting to apply for these incentives are advised to get started now. Church buildings fall under TVA’s programs for businesses. Here is TVA’s website for that that. Also, Tom walked us through how to use this page within this site to find contractors working with TVA.
A lot of information crammed into one hour. Tom welcomed anyone with questions to talk to him and he would get them pointed in the right direction. Here is Tom’s contact information:
Tom Irwin
TVA Customer Service Engineer | Northeast District
O: 865.673.2273 | C: 865.202.9034
Again, many thanks to Tom Irwin and all those who participated on TIPL’s tele-seminar.