Tennessee General Assembly is poised to take a significant positive step toward clean energy. Here’s how you can help.
Thanks to the strong leadership of sponsor Rep. Bob Freeman (Nashville), the House will be voting soon on HB667 dealing with clean energy and resilience. The bill has passed committees with strong support and will be voted on by the entire House soon.
This bill authorizes local governments to establish and adopt Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy and storm Resiliency (C-PACER) programs that ensure that free and willing owners of agricultural, commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential properties will be able to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for qualifying improvements. This technical term, “commercial property assessed clean energy,” means that commercial property owners will be able to more easily pay for the upfront costs associated with energy efficiency and other renewable energy improvements.
This bill is only a step, but it is an important step, toward clean and renewable energy!
Please contact your House member and others (if you happen to know them) and urge them to vote YES on HB667!
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